
Our objective in this course is threefold. First, we will seek to acquire knowledge of, and appreciation for, the history, cosmologies, and impact of the major religious traditions, with particular emphasis given to Indigenous religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Second, we will gain a sense of how these religions have developed and changed through time and within their particular cultural context. This includes evaluating the role of religious institutions, concepts, and practices in human life and developing a respect and appreciation for which particulars are relevant to the validity of a religious argument and the detection of logical fallacies, through reflective analysis. Third, we will develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the religious systems we consider, through writing assignments and class discussion.

Philosophy 209 World Religions

Cheryl L. Genet  Ph.D.

Office Hours - 1/2 Hour  after class
 (and by appointment)

Course Syllabus

Class Schedule & Reading Assignments

Assignment Instructions
& Discussion Worksheets

Don't forget to study your
glossary words as we go along!

Special Communications

 “…revelation has shaped human history
more than any other force besides
technology.  Whether revelation issues
from God or from the deepest unconscious
of spiritual geniuses
[such as prophets]
can be debated, but its signature is
invariably power. The periodic incursions
—explosions, we might call them—
of this power in history are what created the world’s great religions, and by extension, the civilizations they have bodied forth."

Huston Smith’s foreword for Phillip Novak’s
The World’s Wisdom


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